Home Cartoon movies Cable’s Gruesome Comic Death Is Too Crazy Even For Deadpool Movies

Cable’s Gruesome Comic Death Is Too Crazy Even For Deadpool Movies


While Cable’s death in Marvel Comics was absolutely gruesome, it would be perfectly hilarious if it were adapted into Deadpool 3 for some incredibly meta reason.

Whereas Cable suffered a truly gruesome death in Marvel Comics, there’s no denying that dead Pool would think it was hilarious, especially considering who murdered him – which makes Cable’s comedic and gruesome death perfect for Dead Pool 3.

Cable made his live-action debut in the film Deadpool 2 portrayed by actor Josh Brolin alongside Ryan Reynolds’ iconic Deadpool. In the film, Cable travels to the present day from his dystopian future to kill a teenage Firefist before he becomes the bloodthirsty villain Cable knows him to be. At the end of the film, however, Deadpool convinces Cable to let Firefist live after sacrificing himself for the mutant child. Cable, seeing the error of his ways, uses his time travel device to ensure Deadpool survives while inspiring Firefist to be a hero rather than a villain. The film’s final scene is Deadpool walking away from the battle scene next to Cable and his other allies, indicating that Cable may be back for the next one. Dead Pool 3.


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In Cosmic Ghost Rider #3 by Donny Cates and Dylan Burnett, Cosmic Ghost Rider is attacked by Cable and his team of familiar heroes from the future after Ghost Rider steals a baby Thanos and attempts to raise him as his own in order to prevent him from a life of wickedness. According to Cable, Ghost Rider’s efforts are meaningless as Thanos grows to be just as bad, if not worse, than he was originally. Thus, Cable urges Ghost Rider to allow him and his team to kill Thanos as a baby before their dark future is realized. Ghost Rider, however, won’t hear it and brutally kills all the heroes Cable brings him from the future, with Cable himself constantly going back and forth to recruit more soldiers. Finally, after everyone Cable sent after him died, Cable himself was the last person to meet his fate, except he wasn’t killed by Ghost Rider – Cable was killed by Thanos.

Cable's gruesome death would be hilarious in Deadpool 3.

As far as Marvel Comics goes, this death is no more shocking than Cable killed by any other Marvel villain. However, if a version of this scene were to be adapted into Dead Pool 3, that would be absolutely hilarious. Josh Brolin played both Cable and Thanos in their respective live-action movies, so if Cable’s death were brought to the movies, it would be Josh Brolin killing another Josh Brolin in the most brutal way imaginable.

Cable also doesn’t die a quick or dignified death. He has his robotic arm ripped off by baby Thanos who then beats him until a future version of Thanos appears and finishes the job by splattering his brain with a shotgun blast to the head. The extreme nature of this scene mixed with the idea of ​​Josh Brolin doing it to his other self would be hysterical, especially with Deadpool experiencing it with the audience. In Deadpool 2Deadpool referenced the fact that the actor behind Cable also played Thanos, and now that dead Pool is officially under the Marvel Studios umbrella, this meta joke may come to its natural and bloody conclusion in Dead Pool 3.

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