Home Cartoonist Flagstaff History: Cartoonist James Swinnerton Visits Flagstaff | Local

Flagstaff History: Cartoonist James Swinnerton Visits Flagstaff | Local



On Friday morning, Mrs. Linda Scott, wife of the county sheriff, left for Phoenix. She was responsible for a woman who was recently declared insane by probate judge Farr. We are a long way from achieving the rights of women when they begin to act as assistants as peace officers. However, we believe that the duties in this case will be better fulfilled than if the deputy sheriff was of the harsher sex, and Ms Scott’s charge will be handed over to the superintendent of the asylum in the gracious manner that this lovely lady does. . all.

100 years ago

1921: George Dewey Carlos, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. ES Carlos, is killed by lightning on Wednesday at noon. The tragedy occurred some distance from the Carlos Branson ranch in Flagstaff. George and a younger brother, Wilbur, were chopping wood. They had just finished the lunch hour George, with his ax on his shoulder, was standing by a cedar, when lightning struck the tree, uprooted it, hitting George on the right side of the head and passing the front of his body to the ground. Wilbur, who was standing about 50 feet away, was knocked to the ground but was not knocked out. He ran to his brother, who only breathed twice after reaching him. The latter’s raincoat and shoes were torn.

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James Swinnerton, the famous creator of the Little Jimmy cartoons, accompanied by Ms Swinnerton, arrived in Flagstaff on Wednesday with a party of four. During the Swinnertons’ stay on the coast, Flagstaff received very enviable publicity for a collection of paintings painted by Mr. Swinnerton showing landscapes surrounding Flagstaff. Most recently, the exhibit was moved from the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles to the Maryland Hotel in Pasadena. The collection is made up of paintings by famous artists from the West, but most of it was selected from Swinnerton’s paintings, a fact of which he has every reason to be proud.



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