Home Cartoon budget The best nostalgic Halloween specials

The best nostalgic Halloween specials


“SpongeBob Squarepants” has dominated the airwaves since the late 90s, capturing the hearts of children and adults alike. In his very first season, he also delivered a delicious double header of a Halloween special. Fans received a pair of eleven-minute episodes, reunited with the two featuring spooky stories regarding their favorite yellow pineapple sponge.

First there’s “Scaredy Pants,” where SpongeBob is finally looking to shake off his status as a resident creepy Bikini Bottom cat. Dressed as the fearsome underwater legend, the Flying Dutchman, SpongeBob SquarePants appear to scare off attendees at Krusty Krab’s Halloween party. Things get a bit tricky, however, when the Flying Dutchman shows up to threaten the party.

In “I Was a Teenager Gary,” Squidward’s neglect in pet care leads Gary to fall ill. This results in a visit from the Snail Doctor, who provides a dose of snail plasma to be administered to Gary. However, SpongeBob SquarePants accidentally get the dose and slowly begin to take on snail qualities on their own. Ah the horror!

The result is a welcome dose of nightmarish fuel, as SpongeBob SquarePants slowly transform into a snail. Either episode taken alone is absolutely delicious; together they serve as cartoon classics and solid Halloween viewings for the whole family.


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