Home Cartoon shows The original and dark concept for Bob’s burgers

The original and dark concept for Bob’s burgers



The pilot may have involved the Belchers accused of being cannibals, but if creator Loren Bouchard had followed his original idea, they would have actually eaten people. This all has to deal with Bouchard’s background, which involves working on more adult-oriented cartoons on Adult Swim. As The Hollywood Reporter recounts, he brought those same sensibilities to Fox, and they weren’t exactly keen on putting cannibals front and center for prime-time programming.

Suzanna Makkos, executive vice president of Fox Comedy, told the outlet, “I said, ‘Loren, do you want to do 100 episodes of cannibalistic jokes? “” It is clear that Fox executives wanted to take a long-term approach to the show, ensuring it would stand the test of time. It makes sense. Fox is the home of “The Simpsons,” which has now been on the air for over 30 years, and as the series moves forward, “Bob’s Burgers” could be getting its money’s worth. Season 12 debuts in 2021, and a movie is on its way with a 2022 release date. Making Belchers out of ordinary people has definitely helped in the long run.

You can still see vestiges of this idea in the pilot, especially when Bob tells Gene not to give free samples to the mourners next door. This may be a leftover from the original plan to make the family cannibals, as Bob wouldn’t want Gene to offer mourners burgers made from their loved ones. It is a line that not even a cannibal could cross. Don’t expect this story to come to the surface anytime soon.



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