Home Cartoon characters 10 comic characters who could appear in season 4

10 comic characters who could appear in season 4


Season 3 of The boys was a jam-packed thrill ride with memorable moments on every level. The show presents a satirical take on the concept of superheroes and how they might actually work in real life. Many major superheroes have been portrayed in a hilarious light, with Homelander being by far one of the show’s most compelling characters.

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The show brought to life some of the many comic book superheroes who are all remarkable in their own way. That being said, some superheroes have yet to debut in the live-action adaptation. Keeping that in mind, here are some of the most notable superheroes in The boys who could ideally make an appearance in the next season.

ten Knight Tek

Tek Knight is basically a parody of Batman and Iron Man. He also suffers from a rather strange disease that causes him to foul anything with a hole in it…which leads to a rather awkward moment with his sidekick.

As a result, Tek Knight becomes one of the most hilarious and sad characters in comics. He was mentioned twice in the first and second season of The boysand only time will tell if he makes a worthy appearance on the show.

9 Mr Marathon

Mister Marathon was the first speedster featured in The Seven before being replaced by A-Train. As a result, not many people know much about this character outside of this background fact.

In the comics, he’s actually part of the disaster show that caused a plane to crash into the Brooklyn Bridge. Homelander was carrying the speedster and did not realize that his reckless actions had resulted in his partner’s death.

8 Big game

The leader of the Teenage Kix, Big Game is one of the most corrupt superheroes in comics. He gets his just desserts when the boys decide to step in and stop the Teenage Kix from going crazy with their irresponsible antics.

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Big Game gets his face smashed by Butcher while Hughie accidentally kills his teammate. Seeing this character on the show will be a treat for fans, especially if they see Billy give his face away again.

seven Dogknot

A parody of The Beast from the X-Men, Dogknott is another member of the Teenage Kix. Needless to say, he is anything but a good character and deserved to be beaten by The Boys.

The series can certainly have a unique take on Dogknott, but that remains to be seen. His powers are pretty engaging and can definitely make him a pretty engaging part of a show with some pretty strong character writing across the board.

6 To yell

Another member of the Teenage Kix makes its way onto the roster in the form of Shout Out. His electric powers got him in hot water when he tried to escape from Butcher using those powers.

After getting fried, a furious butcher violently beat Shout Out and ripped his thumbs off too! Seeing this character on the show would be great for fans to see him share the same gruesome fate.

The boys doesn’t paint all superheroes in a bad light. One of the groups, Super Duper, is a genuinely good-hearted group trying to fight crime and live up to the superhero name.

One of the Super Duper members is Stool Shadow, who is an obvious parody of Raven. He’s a fairly airy character, but at least his heart is in the right place.

4 aunt sister

Auntie Sis is another member of Super Duper who tries her best to fight crime and save civilians. However, she is ridiculed by then-team leader Malchemical for being such a good pair of shoes.

Her replicating powers are quite interesting, with each copy of her character having its own personality. This caused Auntie Sis a ton of trouble at first, but she managed to keep her powers in check.

3 Malchemical

Malchemical is one of the most vile superheroes in comics. After a period of bad publicity, Malchemical is cast as the leader of Super Duper and instantly despises this group as a bunch of dummies.

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Her obnoxious nature reaches its peak when Malchemical uses the fear of Aunt Sis’ claustrophobia against her. Fortunately, Hughie and Butcher come to save the day, burning Malchemical to a crisp in the process.

2 Blarney Rooster

The funnily named Blarney Cock was a member of the Teenage Kix before being pulverized by Hughie. A bunch of Compound V treatments brought him back as a lifeless zombie.

The funny part here is that Hughie was the one to once again get rid of Blarney Cock in this state. If the show decides to bring Blarney Cock back, fans can only hope that Hughie uses his superpowers in some way to destroy him again.

1 Jack of Jupiter

An obvious dig at the Martian Manhunter, Jupiter’s Jack is one of The Seven’s members in the comics. He’s nowhere near as bad as his other members, but his condoning their actions should still be criticized.

It doesn’t help that Jack participates in his fair share of vices as a morally corrupt superhero. It may be overkill, but bringing this character into Season 4 would be a great addition to The Seven.

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